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Addressing Dental Gaps in Foster Care

Access to dental care is a significant concern for children in foster care. Many of these children have experienced trauma and adversity, which can lead to poor oral health outcomes. Additionally, children in foster care often face barriers to accessing dental care, including a lack of insurance coverage and difficulty finding a dentist who is willing to treat them.

One of the most significant dental gaps in foster care is the lack of regular dental check-ups. Children in foster care may move from placement to placement, which can make it difficult to maintain consistent dental care. Additionally, many children in foster care do not have dental insurance coverage, making it challenging to access necessary dental services.

Another significant dental gap in foster care is the lack of preventive care. Children in foster care may not receive regular dental cleanings or fluoride treatments, which can increase the risk of tooth decay and other oral health problems. Additionally, many children in foster care have a history of poor nutrition, which can contribute to poor oral health outcomes.

To address these dental gaps, it is essential to provide comprehensive dental services to children in foster care. This includes regular dental check-ups, cleanings, and fluoride treatments. It is also important to ensure that children in foster care have access to consistent and coordinated dental care, regardless of their placement.

In addition to providing dental services, it is also important to educate children in foster care about the importance of oral health. This includes teaching children about proper brushing and flossing techniques, as well as the importance of a healthy diet for oral health.

Addressing dental gaps in foster care requires a collaborative effort between child welfare agencies, dental providers, and other stakeholders. By working together, we can ensure that children in foster care receive the dental care they need to promote their overall health and well-being.

In conclusion, dental gaps in foster care are a significant concern that can have long-lasting impacts on a child's oral health. By providing comprehensive dental services, educating children about the importance of oral health, and working collaboratively with stakeholders, we can address these gaps and promote better oral health outcomes for children in foster care.


National Foster Care Month. (2021). Addressing the Dental Health of Children in Foster Care. Retrieved from

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